My name is Tyson Parker and would like to pass along some information regarding this annual event to you in hopes that we can work together as a community. The event has been branded as the “Tyson Parker Commitment to Life Society” fundraising event where all proceeds are donated to STARS Air Rescue service here in Alberta. If you are not familiar with STARS it is a service that is supplied to critically injured Albertan’s to get them to the required medical attention by medical helicopter FAST! In essence STARS Air Rescue SAVES LIVES. Their Mission statement states “STARS is dedicated to providing a safe, rapid, highly specialized emergency medical transport system for the critically ill and injured.” Please CLICK HERE to learn more about STARS and the incredible LIFE SAVING services they provide. I am one of the many patients STARS has flown on those missions, and now would like to do my part in giving back to the people who gave so generously to me.
Leduc and Areas “Commitment to Life” fundraising event was initiated by myself, Tyson Parker. I was involved in a motor vehicle highway head-on collision only a few kilometers south of Leduc in 2005. STARS was dispatched as a result of my many critical injuries and was the initial link in saving my life. It is believed by all involved that if it was not for the rapid transport that STARS provided to myself, in order to get me to the emergency care in Edmonton that I required, I would not have survived. We all learned afterwards that cases similar to mine are happening more regularly than what we thought or what we would like to think, however, STARS is there when we need them. During the fiscal year of 2017-18, the Calgary, Edmonton, Grande Prairie and some BC areas, STARS completed a total of 1,452 missions. Over 40,000 missions have been completed since its inception in 1985.
I have made a remarkable recovery and successfully completed post-secondary education at NAIT. I have a very successful career, and love to devote my time to my wife and baby boy. As a result of STARS involvement with saving my life, my family, friends and I have taken it upon ourselves, along with a huge support from the local community, to give back to STARS and ensure that others have the same life-saving opportunity if ever faced in a “time of need”.
In conclusion, it is great to partner with an entire community, at any level, on this event. We all think that it will not happen to us, however, if it does we know that STARS will be there to help in our “TIME of NEED”.
I am hoping that I have provided you with some basic information about the event and the benefits that we are hoping to achieve which includes the education of what the STARS service means to us living in Alberta. If you have any questions please feel free to email me or call me at any of the listed numbers below.
On behalf of STARS and myself, thank you in advance for your participation, support and generous donations. Your contributions will help keep STARS in the sky doing what they do best.
Thank you,
Tyson Parker
Tyson Parker Commitment to Life Society